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Bank Panic Arcade Game

You play an Old West law enforcement "HERO!" who must protect a bank from robbers while allowing citizens to make their deposits. The screen scrolls left or right with three doors on-screen at a time with one fire button for each door. The background music for the game is "Dixie."
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You play an Old West law enforcement "HERO!" who must protect a bank from robbers while allowing citizens to make their deposits. The screen scrolls left or right with three doors on-screen at a time with one fire button for each door. The background music for the game is "Dixie."

The doors will open to reveal a customer (who will drop a bag of money, making a deposit), a robber (who will attempt to shoot the player) or a young boy (who will be holding a stack of three or five hats, which the player can rapidly shoot for a bag of money or bonus time). The level ends when all twelve doors have received one or more deposits. This is indicated by the numbered boxes across the top of the screen, with a red dollar sign showing a door with a completed deposit.

At random intervals, a bomb will be placed on one of the doors and a rapid timer will count down from 99. The player must move to that door and destroy the bomb with gunfire. Shooting a customer, being shot by a robber, failing to destroy a bomb or failing to complete the level before the overall timer (shown by a bar at the bottom of the screen) expires loses one life.

Although robbers can be shot on sight (such a kill is judged "UNFAIR" but carries no penalty), greater points can be earned by waiting until the robbers draw their weapons. A red-shirted robber who is shot at the precise moment of drawing his weapon will earn maximum points and a letter in the word "EXTRA" (indicated in the lower left corner). Completing five such kills finishes the word, earning the player an extra life, bonus points, and instant advancement to the next level. Extra lives can also be earned by reaching certain scores.

Clues for the player include the five indicator bars above each door box at the top of the screen. A red bar will descend, indicating a person (customer, robber or boy) is approaching the door. When the player rotates to those doors and the red bar is at the bottom, the doors will open and the player can take appropriate action. Also, after making a deposit, customers turn to leave. They sometimes will be wearing posters on their backs showing a masked face and a door number. This indicates a robber hiding behind that door.

This arcade machine is an original. If you're looking for a brand new machine in perfect condition this may not be for you. If you're looking for the real thing, an arcade machine that conjours up memories of when you used to have to beg for another 10p to just have one more go, then this will be the machine for you. We take time sourcing our machines to ensure they're in good condition for their age to provide you with a machine that lights up your memories.

Please note: Due to constantly changing stock the cabinet design may vary from the one shown.

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